Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Scary Priests

"The Pharisees lay heavy burdens on the shoulders of others, but they are unwilling to help with the load. They love the places of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi. As for you, call no one on earth 'Father,' for you have only one Father" Matthew 23:1-12

This is a scary gospel for priests. At least it ought to be. Here Jesus is saying that people need to watch out for the guys who like to wear marks of respect in public claim titles, sit at head tables, and enjoy the chief seats in places of worship—and we put them in charge! Don't call them "Father," he says. And have you ever noticed that the "burdens" of Catholicism—marriage, divorce, sex, birth control, abortion, being single, being a woman—are all things other people carry while priests rarely help with those loads? If you're a priest, this should scare you. I'm a priest and it scares me.


  1. In my recent experience I have known and know clergy who do tkae the burdens of others on their shoulders and do the best that they can to be suportive and humble. Maybe it is not fair or logical to expect a priest to solve all problems in such a perfect and expeditious manner that all the parishioners can sleep in comfort. I think that it is a hold over from pre-vatican II ideas of The "Saintly Clergy". Heck I didn't know that Nuns where females untill the 6th grade or so. I thought that they were Heavenly Bodies untill I was abit older and was on the receiving side of their rath.

  2. By the way, that wasn't a photo of you in your younger years?
