Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Palm Crosses

By the time liturgy is over, I see people who have already formed crosses with their palms. Can't imagine where they found the time to do it -- unless it was during my homily!

However, I have to admit that I have never learned how to do it. So I googled and came up with this site. It has detailed instructions (with pictures) on forming a cross out of your palm leaves.

Another site has detailed instructions of fashioning other forms such as a crown and cones.

Check em' out.


  1. FYI,the little cross I gave you Sunday was made at home Sat. night. I was listening to the Homily, honest I was, honest!(grin). Also, if anyone's palms have dried out too much to make crosses, you can soak them in water for a little bit and they'll soften up.

  2. Wow! Everytime I go in one those cross making sites, I find something new & exciting.
