Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moving On

Church of the Visitation

Most of you know that I will be moving at the end of this month. I will be Administrator of two small churches in Middlesex County: St. Francis De Sales in Mathews, VA., and Church of the Visitation in Topping.

You can visit their web pages by clicking on their names.

You know our recent history; I am at peace with this decision. I know I'm taking a chance, but if feel this move will be good for me and for my new parishioners. I believe I am the right priest for them at this difficult time in their lives. I also believe Fr. Jim Gordon will be good for you, so give him a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Father Robert, we welcome you to Visitation and hope you have an easy transition. We are mourning the loss of Father John, but looking forward to our future. I am also very excited to hear that you are a dog person!

